Bring intention in clearing the stagnant energy of winter in your space.
- Fresh Rosemary
- Lemon Oil or Tea Tree Oil
- Clear Quartz Crystal(s)
- Bucket
- Mop/White Towel
- White Cloth
Heat water on the stove until its boiling. Fill your bucket with torn pieces of rosemary and pour the hot water in it.
Add 5 drops of the essential lemon oil/tea tree oil and clear quartz crystal(s)
Cover the bucket with a white cloth and the let the herbs steep for 30 minutes.
Once steeped, remove the cloth and carefully remove the herbs and crystal.
Take your bucket to the furthest space from your front door.
Affirm out loud the feeling you want to bring into that space.
When you're ready, dip your mop/towel into your bucket and wash your floors.
Allow the space to air dry.